Thursday, August 7, 2008

Modern Day Eve

Snake-like, his body- long, slender. The hair on his chest glimmers like scales. I know the secrets of a thousand Eves before me. Adam and the snake- one and the same. Both cold-blooded. They both take warmth only as desired. But I am not afforded that luxury, that comfort.

You stood before me, green all around you, hair gleaming and unshorn, smooth, shiny, serpentine, smiling. In your left hand you held the celebrated apple. I could not resist you.

Now I have bitten bitter of the proffered apple- I cannot stay away. In the tender juicy flesh of the fruit, I found all there is and all there can be of love, of life, of sensuality. My neurons all fired at the same time, and my brain began to thirst for knowledge, and to lust. I love the feeling- the burst of wisdom. It burns- I have an inferno inside me where before I held nothing. But it is not without pain.

I know now that love is not given gently, but is a battle fought with teeth and hooves- or skin and scales. I know what fire he can offer me and I stay as close to him as possible to feel it. His touch, even when cold and scaly reminds me of lush gardens and huge red blossoms. I want to wrap him around me. I want him to squeeze, to hug, to embrace, to dance. But he is, eyes flashing, so distant. He does not suffer as I do, will not do his smooth-slither-strut towards me. He will not make the first move.

Angry at an argument- I try to stray. But in the remoteness my bones ache in the wake of his chill. I soon return, seeking to warm myself, eyes downcast, studying my heels, and my baggage light, in the fervor of his blaze once more. I am not yet defeated though, and when night drapes its thick blanket over the world, I put distance between him and I in our bed. I shiver and layer myself with quilts, while he, naked as sin, lies on top of the sheets, oblivious to my torment. Him: a long lank furnace, radiating heat. Me: a small compact form, freezing under my mountain of blankets.

For now I have observed- a modern day Eve- I have learned from their mistakes. And their biggest one was thinking they were flawed. If offered the apple again- I would do the same thing again- a thousand times over. I love my Adam/ serpent. The without the fight how could I appreciate the quiet warm times? The insight, the perception…I wouldn’t give that up. So for now, I will wrap myself in fig leaves as protection from my naked soul, and do my best to hide the calm pain in my eyes that I know lurks there.

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